Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Applied Systems thinking for social management issues

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The words social and issues together create a vivid image, of much havoc and indecisive hold ups. The planet is engulfed with several social systems trapped in a never-ending loop of mess and uncertainty.  The efforts to alleviate the suffering get more attention than the underlying reasons that lead to it. Stakeholders and witnesses associated with the system are for most part affected and confused, leaving little place, time as well energy for intervention. With such a complex scenario, the current state of our social system issues is obvious.

A general observation reveals most of the theory being generated to address these issues is academic or media related. While the intervention side providing monetary, emotional and physical support has very little to do with these generated theories of statistical data or sympathetic broadcast. There seems to be a great void in the organizations that can help understand and suggest feasible solutions.  Thereby, creating a vicious loophole of cause and effects with sustainable activism struggling to make an impression.  A medium to generate feasible models, to conceptualize the situation and develop alternatives will reduce the equation of chaos.  Whether this medium of application arises from within existing institutions or as separate third party organization is irrelevant.

What is crucial is how we apply systems thinking to reach valuable conclusions. Such applications are new in the sphere of social systems and given the redundancy and huge energy consumption of such efforts, divulging into an applied systems thinking framework is worth a try.
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